Sunday 29 June 2014

Mesora Blasts the Pantheism of Chabad's "Tanya"

Sefer HaTanya, written by the first Lubavitcher Rebbe, is replete with heresies of normative Judaic thought, including Pantheism and Sefirotic Polytheism.

The excellent rationalist website, has done much good work to bring rationalism back on the agenda.

In several articles, he points out the pantheism of  the Tanya.  Here is a good example:

Tanya and Pantheism

Another reader wrote in with a very different tone, adding that not only does Tanya include heresy, but also pantheism - the view that G-d permeates all parts of the universe - that He and the universe are but one and the same. Again, this is a view that contradicts G-d’s very words - that He ‘created’ the universe, and from nothing. Thus, He did not make the universe by taking a part of Himself and mold it. According to this dangerous view, G-d is not only in man, but also in all parts of the physical world. He quoted other sections in Tanya in support:

Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah, Chapter 7

“Now, although G‑d transcends space and time, He is nevertheless also found below, within space and time.”

“and there is no closeness in the four elements of which this corporeal world is comprised except through the Holy One, blessed be He, when He is within them.”

Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah, Chapter 8

“and likewise with respect to His will, [as it is written,3] “G‑d desires those who fear Him,” and4 “He wishes to do kindness,” and5 “He desires the repentance of the wicked and does not desire their death and wickedness,” — thus we have verses indicating both what He finds desirable and undesirable; [so, too,6] “Your eyes are too pure to behold evil” — yet another thing that He does not desire. From the above verses, then, we see that emotions, wisdom and will are all ascribed to G‑d.”

This pantheistic view is but a further corruption of their first heretical mistake, that G-d partakes of physicality. This was also the view of certain, early Chassidic sects that maintained, “Even inside of sin, G-d exists, as He permeates everything - even sin.” Again, these views contradict the Torah, which states that “man cannot know G-d while alive”, and that “nothing equates to G-d”. 

As Tanya makes positive statements about G-d not found in G-d’s own owrds, it violates these two Torah verses. This last quote, “emotions, wisdom and will are all ascribed to G‑d” again violates the Torah, and reason: G-d is not governed by His creations, i.e., emotions.


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