Reading through some of my
old emails, I found a discussion I had with a Rabbi knew back then. He told me the fantastic
story of the rabbis that in the first set of 10 commandments written
on the tablets, they contained all of the Torah including the “oral
law”, which was written down. The story continues, that when Moses
broke these tablets, they Oral law went up and came back as an
unritten law to accompany the 2nd set of Tablets.
A broken link from the old
Chief rabbi;s website told the following story:
"There was one other difference between the first tablets and the second. According to tradition, when Moses was given the first tablets, he was given only Torah shebikhtav, the "written Torah". At the time of the second tablets, he was given Torah she-be'al peh, the Oral Torah as well:
R. Jochanan said: G-d made a covenant with Israel only for
the sake of the Oral Law, as it says [in the context of the
second tablets]: "For by the mouth [al pi] of these words I
have made a covenant with you and with Israel" (Ex. 34:27)."
However, this is not a
correct quote of the Torah. The actual
verse says:
verse says:
Then the L-RD said to
Moses, "Write down these words, for in
accordance with these words I have made a covenant with you
and with Israel."
accordance with these words I have made a covenant with you
and with Israel."
Write down these words,
for in accordance with these words I have made a covenant.. the
subject is "these words". The Commandment is to write them
Al pi simply means "according to". For the Rabbis to stretch the meaning of it to refer to some Oral law is completely out of context. it is in fact the opposite of the verse. The same words are being written down. That is the Total law.
Again, this methodology is dishonest, and it can and was used by the Christians and Muslims to give credence to their various inventions. Simply cut a verse to suit you, and try to inject your own meaning. The whole tenor of this verse is about writing them down, and al pi means in accordance with the words which are written down.
Al pi simply means "according to". For the Rabbis to stretch the meaning of it to refer to some Oral law is completely out of context. it is in fact the opposite of the verse. The same words are being written down. That is the Total law.
Again, this methodology is dishonest, and it can and was used by the Christians and Muslims to give credence to their various inventions. Simply cut a verse to suit you, and try to inject your own meaning. The whole tenor of this verse is about writing them down, and al pi means in accordance with the words which are written down.
However, there is a
simpler textual refutation of the myth told by R' Yochanan. This is
from v.1 of the same chapter in Exodus:
1 And the LORD said
unto Moses: 'Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first; and I
will write upon the tables the words that were on the first tables,
which thou didst break.
So we know that the
content of both sets of tablets was the same!
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