the title may be a bit misleading, since it is the name of a chapter
written by someone I have previously featured in my “Great Rabbis”
series – Rabbi Emanuel Rackman.
this article makes a common rabbinic claim about various groups who
have rejected Orthodox Judaism. He bunches together Christianity,
Reform Judaism, Sadducees and Karaites. This is despite the fact
that the sadducees rejected Christianity, and the Karaites reject
Reform Judaism. Furthermore, the Pharisees rejected the Torah centred
Rackman, who for many years was my mentor, writes that there is a
simple reason why all these groups rejected Rabbinic Judaism, and
that is because the Torah is a “yoke” i.e. a burden, and it is
easier to reject than to accept a burden.
argument is false for several reasons. As already mentioned, each of
the different groups took on a different view to religion. It might
be the case that Reform considered many rites outdated or too
difficult, but they actually gave up believing altogether.
Christianity, which I am not defending, did reject many laws, but
they also adopted new ones. Whether or not the argument applies to
these deviant groups, the charge made against the Sadducees and the
Karaites are nonsensical.
Sadducees, ie the priesthood from Zadok, rejected the Oral Testament
of the rabbis, because they considered it alien and false. The
Pharisees rejected the clear meaning of the Torah on many counts, as
a way to create a new religion, and expel the Priesthood from the
Temple. This is illustrated in Mishnah Sotah, where terrorist rabbis
such as ben Zakkai abolish wholesale the Torah Law. This is in fact
verified by the rabbi Akavya ben Mehalelel, who accused the alien
convert rabbis, Shemaya and Avtalyon of falsifying Torah practice to
suit their own personal needs.
It is
rather ironic, since Emanuel Rackman was the Akavya of orthodoxy in
his own time, and I once told him that he had revived the roll of his
historic predecessor.
The actual
claim that Torah is a burden, and rejection of the Torah is because
of the burden is also a fallacious claim. The Torah puts
limitations on the scope of religious restrictions, by clearly
forbidding adding and subtracting. This was the self-justified
practice of the Rabbis. The reason behind the rabbinical rejection
of Torah law is complex, but part of it is their arrogance and
competition with the Priesthood, whom they wished to destroy. Just
as Korach tried to rebel against Moses and Aaron of the
tribe of Levi, so the Pharisees did against the Zadokite descendants
of Aaron.
It is
interesting to note that Shemaya and Avtalyon, were students of
Shimon ben Shetach, he was the brother in law of Alexander Janneus,
the High priest and sadducee king. Thus, it appears that ben Shetach
had begun his program of destroying the priesthood (and the temple)
by appointing gentile converts to the head of the Pharisees
Sanhedrin. It is also a true and telling irony, that by the Rabbis'
own admission (Gittin 57b), Shemaya and Avtalyon were both descendants of Sennacherib, the Assyrian
King who besieged Jerusalem, and exiled the Northern tribes of
We now see
an alternative narrative of history. Sennacherib attempted to
destroy Jerusalem, but was stopped by an angel. He did succeed,
however, in destroying the Northern parts of Israel, and causing
exile. His descendants, Shemaya and Avtalyon, as is explicitly stated by Akavya
ben Mehalelel (who cited a tradition he had heard from his teachers)
falsified Torah law to suit their Sennacheribean heritage. It should be
noted that Shemaya and Avtalyon were major founders and creators of
the oral law. Their project was completed by ben Zakkai, who
abolished the priestly functions such as the Bitter water ceremony,
and the breaking of the neck of Eglah Arufah ceremony.This
spiritual destruction of the Temple by the line of Shemaya + Avtalyon through to
ben Zakkai led to its physical destruction. Where Shemaya and Avtalyon's ancestor, Sennacherib, failed, they and their followers succeeded in destroying
the Temple.
Rabbis start accusing Sadducees and Karaites, they should try to
study the Torah itself, and to make it their primal focus. In this
way, they may see how their ancestors have led to destruction of
Judaism, and perhaps if they are bold enough, can rebuild it. The
Torah does not impose a yoke that is as oppressive as the Talmud, so
rejecting the Talmud is not about convenience, but about honour for
the Torah.
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