Monday 29 February 2016

Death and Rebirth

There are many Torah laws for which the violation is punished by death or by Kareth - cutting off. Kareth is not clearly defined, but many consider it to be death by Heavenly decree.
See for example:

I have a theory - which is unproven - about what happens in this world.   Many people do apparently transgress these laws, but they live relatively long and prosperous lives.  This led the Rabbis to argue that the reward and punishment is in the World to Come. But what if it is in this world?

I suggest that certain punishments take place in this world are actual death sentences - a person can die spiritually, but still be physically alive.  What does this mean?  Perhaps it is an opportunity for the person to be reborn trhough teshuva, and continue their life as a new soul in their same body!

This is just a theory, with no hard evidence or textual support. I am also not sure if it has any parallel in the Kabbalah!

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