Christian and Jewish fundamentalists
alike, shun the theory of Evolution, and insist on debunking the
science and philosophy behind the theory. The Creationists, as they
are known, suggest that every living being was individually created
from scratch, even though the Bible itself does not reveal the exact
process by which life developed.
But beyond genetic evolution, there is
a grander theory of evolution, which applies to war, politics,
psychology, economics and even technology.
A recent report cites scientific
research that the medieval Black death had health benefits for the
survivors, who lived longer than their predecessors before the
In fact, the CCR5 gene in humans, which
is prominent in Europe, confers a high degree of immunity to the AIDS
virus, and is believed to have resulted from several pandemics such
as the Black death. This survival of the fittest concept, it seems,
occurs in the Bible in various guises.
First, let as look at the creation
story itself. The life begins in the lowest forms, and then
progresses to higher forms. The “great monsters” of the 4th
day could easily refer to the dinosaurs, since we do not see many
monsters nowadays, except the types who carry guns and bombs. At
the end of the evolutionary chain, is man, or Adam and Eve.
The various great disasters, like the
Flood, Sodom and Gemorrah and Tower of Babel, each have evolutionary
themes, with mass extinctions and new ecosystems.
Even the conquest of Canaan by the
Israelites is a survival of the fittest scenario, with the proviso of
some type of ecosystem being kept in place -
Ex. 23: 29 I
will not drive them out from before you in one year, lest the land
become desolate and the wild beasts multiply against you
The struggles between Joseph and his brothers, David and his enemies, Solomon and his brothers, were all evolutionary battles, and are often whitewashed by the religious censors, e.g. the Talmud.
The philosophy of evolution, is indeed
inherent in religion, or at least Biblical religion. The Torah has a
set of rules, but indulges us in much pleasure, and involvement in
the world. What is counter-Biblical, is the “evolution” of new
religions which add restriction upon restriction, and try to engineer
conformity to books of man made rules, like the Shulchan Aruch. What
this does is to create an Aspergers like personality, which sees
repetitive actions and small irrelevant details as being all
important, while destroying the God given humanity which was the
focal point of the Torah.
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